Prepare a cpam object
Prepare a cpam object
count_matrix = NULL,
t2g = NULL,
import_type = NULL,
model_type = c("case-only", "case-control"),
bootstrap = TRUE,
filter_fun = "ts_filter",
filter_fun_args = list(min_reads = 5, min_prop = 3/5),
regularize = TRUE,
gene_level = FALSE,
aggregate_to_gene = !gene_level,
condition_var = "condition",
case_value = "treatment",
num_cores = 1,
normalize = TRUE,
fixed_effects = NULL,
intercept_cc = c("1", condition_var)
- exp_design
a dataframe or tibble with the experimental design, containing at least a 'time' and a 'sample' column
- count_matrix
a matrix of counts. Column names must be in 'sample' column of
,- t2g
a transcript to gene dataframe or tibble with columns target_id and gene_id
- import_type
software used for quantification, one of "kallisto", "salmon" ,.... Ignored if
is supplied.- model_type
"case-only" (default) or "case-control"
- bootstrap
logical; load bootstrap samples, also called inferential replicates, if available, and rescale counts.
- filter_fun
filter function to remove lowly expressed genes (default is
)- filter_fun_args
arguments for filter function
- regularize
logical; use empirical Bayes regularization of dispersions (default is TRUE)
- gene_level
logical; aggregate counts to gene level before data preparation and modelling (default is FALSE)
- aggregate_to_gene
logical; aggregate p values from transcript- to gene-level
- condition_var
string; column name in
for the condition variable (formodel_type
= "case_control" only)- case_value
value of
that indicates the "case". All other values are deemed to be control- num_cores
integer; number of cores to use for parallel computation
- normalize
logical; use model offsets based on sampling depth and gene length
- fixed_effects
a model formula of the form
~ effect1 + effect2
- intercept_cc
string; intercept for case-control model: "1" (default) for common intercept or "condition"
This function prepares a cpam object for analysis. The function loads count data from files or a matrix, filters lowly expressed genes, computes normalisation factors, and estimates dispersions. Many of these steps can be customised or turned off.
When bootstrap samples (inferential replicates) are available, it loads and summarises these using means, standard errors, and estimated overdispersions. The latter are a measure of quantification uncertainty and they are used to rescale the counts which accouts for this uncertainty during the modelling steps.
The data within the cpam object are accessible via the slots.
Pedro L Baldoni, Yunshun Chen, Soroor Hediyeh-zadeh, Yang Liao, Xueyi Dong, Matthew E Ritchie, Wei Shi, Gordon K Smyth, Dividing out quantification uncertainty allows efficient assessment of differential transcript expression with edgeR, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 52, Issue 3, 9 February 2024, Page e13,
Yunshun Chen, Lizhong Chen, Aaron T L Lun, Pedro L Baldoni, Gordon K Smyth, edgeR v4: powerful differential analysis of sequencing data with expanded functionality and improved support for small counts and larger datasets, Nucleic Acids Research, Volume 53, Issue 2, 27 January 2025,